
BSM400GA120DN2 Infineon IGBT


  • Model: BSM400GA120DN2
  • 141 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Infineon

Description of BSM400GA120DN2

Item Number: BSM400GA120DN2
Manufacturer: Infineon
Item Category: Transistors
Subcategory: IGBTs
Type: Single
Vces: 1,200 Volts DC
Ic: 400 Amps
Circuit Type: Single IGBT
Vges +/-: +/- 20
Ices Max: 8 MilliAmps
Iges Max: 0.4 MicroAmps
Vge(th) Min/Max: 6.5 Volts
Vce(sat) Max: 3 Volts
Height (mm): 36.5
Width (mm): 106.4
Depth (mm): 61.4
H x W x D (in.): 1.44 x 4.19 x 2.42

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