
BSM50GD120DLC Infineon IGBT


  • Model: BSM50GD120DLC
  • 83 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Infineon

Description of BSM50GD120DLC

Absolute Maximum Ratings Tc=25°C unless otherwise specified


Bus Voltage

(between terminal P and N)

Short operatingVsc400800V
Collector-Emitter Voltage *1Vces01200V
InverterCollector CurrentDCIc-25A
Duty=100% *2-Ic-25A
Collector Power DissipationOne transistor *3Pc-172W
BrakeCollector CurrentDCIc-25A
Forward Current of DiodeIF-25A
Collector Power DissipationOne transistor *3Pc-172W
Supply Voltage of Pre-Driver *4Vcc-0.520V
Input Signal Voltage *5Vin-0.5Vcc+0.5V
Input Signal CurrentIin-3mA
Alarm Signal Voltage *6VALM-0.5VccV
Alarm Signal Current *7IALM-20mA
Junction TemperatureTj-150°C
Operating Case TemperatureTopr-20100°C
Storage TemperatureTstg-40125°C
Isolating Voltage *8Viso-AC2500Vrms
Screw TorqueTerminal (M5)--3.5Nm
Mounting (M5)


*1: Vces shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal P and U or V or W or DB, N and U or V or W or DB

*2: Duty=125°C/Rth(j-c)D/(IcxVF MAX)x100

*3: Pc=125°C/Rth(j-c)Q=172W (Inverter)

Pc=125°C/Rth(j-c)Q=172W (Brake)

*4: Vcc shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No. 3 and 1, 6 and 4, 9 and 7, 11 and 10.

*5: Vin shall be applied to the input voltage between terminal No. 2 and 1, 5 and 4, 8 and 7, 12~15 and 10.

*6: VALM shall be applied to the voltage between terminal No. 16 and 10.

*7: IALM shall be applied to the input current to terminal No. 16.

*8: Terminal to base, 50/60Hz sine wave 1min.

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